Friday, May 1, 2020

Segmentation and Targeting for Canada and Mexico- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theSegmentation and Targeting for Canada and Mexico. Answer: Market Segmentation Variables The marketing concept market segmentation refers to the process of dividing a consumer business market into different groups based on certain shared characteristics. There is a no single way to segment a market and this section shall elaborate how Chobani can be divided into different market segments. Geographic Segmentation Geographic segmentation is done using spatial location to segment the market for different geographical units such as states, regions and cities. Chobani is headquartered in the United States and it has grown internationally in Australia, UK, Canada and Mexico. The product was launched in New South Wales, Australia in 2011 as sponsored by Lloyd, Shehab and Ron (Hicks, 2012). The product was also launched in Canada but was soon withdrawn from the market as there was no long term milk supply. In UK Chobani was launched in 2012 in 200 Tesco stores (Astley, 2012). The product was launched in Mexico in 2016 (Shoup, 2016). These evidences determine that the brand is sold in semi-urban and urban areas in the local as well as international regions. The metropolitan cities sell the products as there are majority of middle to upper level income consumers in those regions (Jayaswal Jewkes, 2016). Demographic Segmentation Demographic segmentation refers to the market segmentation that divides the consumer group on the basis of age, gender, income group, education level and others. Chobani sells low-fat yogurt for adults and children. Usually, the age group 20 to 40 are young professionals with limited time. These people also have an intention to lead a healthier lifestyle. The product is designed for all age groups of men, women and children with a wide variety of flavours and packaging. Low-fat yogurt is usually preferred by women and the product is consumed more by them than the male population. The product is affordable by the middle and upper income level consumers (, 2013). The product is available in different sizes that are suitable for individual as well as family. The individual can consume a single 5.3 oz.cup while the pack of four is suitable for a larger family size. Usually, the graduate and higher levels of educated demographic group consume the product as they are aware of th e freshness, quality, and health factor of the product (, 2017). Psychographic Segmentation Psychographic segmentation is the one in which people use lifestyles, interests, values, attitudes and activities to define a market segment. Chobani yogurt is suitable for the business class and students who have a busy working schedule. The consumers who have an elite social class are more inclined towards buying Chobani. The personality of consumers is health conscious and hardworking. Behavioural Segmentation The behavioural segmentation refers to the segment groups who display specific behavioural patterns when making purchase decisions and adapt marketing approach to specific groups. The main consumer group of Chobani yogurt have an enthusiastic and grateful attitude towards the product. As a wide variety of flavours such as strawberry, blueberry, coconut and multiple others are available, the people have a higher intention to purchase the product. These consumers regularly consume the product. As the product is available online, the usage rate is higher (, 2013). Profile of the Market Segment Chobani yogurt is targeted towards females who wish to consume healthier products while satisfying their cravings for something delicious among young consumers. The target segment is the females who are into work or shopping. These women prefer a high quality snack at best prices due to their price sensitivity. As it a quick snack, it can be taken away while travelling. This segment is targeted as they are unwilling to pay a higher price for a quick snack. Further, the women who have an intention of consuming high quality and low-fat product shall consume the brand as there is a range of products available for lower calorie. The women belonging to higher middle class to high class are targeted as they have greater consciousness towards their calorie intake and overall health. Also, the millennial who are interested in optimizing their current health lifestyle for preventing decline in the future are targeted. A campaign Love this Life was conducted in 2015 featuring young lesbian cou ple in bed that supports bisexual, homosexual and transgender. They highlight the authentic moments in life thereby making better food for people. The brand celebrates diversity and targets every individual by promoting inclusiveness and diversity irrespective of their sexual orientation (, 2013). Market Targeting Strategies The target marketing strategy is a strategy that involves a selection of potential customers by designing a specific campaign or advertisements for each segment. There are four different target marketing strategies: Undifferentiated or Mass marketing, Differentiated or Segmented Marketing, Concentrated or Niche marketing and Micromarketing (Venter, Wright Dibb, 2015). These marketing strategies target a broader to a narrow segment in the order it has been stated above. At the time of introduction, the Greek yogurt Chobani was only stocked in supermarkets and was considered a niche market. Gradually, they used social media strategies and tactics for mass marketing. These yogurts were sold at ethnic and specialty supermarkets to attract semi-urban and urban consumers. The brand currently practices differentiated or segmented marketing strategy in which the company creates campaigns for appealing at least two target groups. For example, in case of the campaign Love this Life, the brand targets homosexual, bisexual and transgender (Wong, 2016). Also, in its advertisements and campaigns for low-fat yogurts, the women choosing or that might adapt to a healthier lifestyle are targeted. The brand offers a range of Simply 100 that has lesser calories and available in different flavours like peach, blueberry, pineapple and multiple others (, 2013). References Astley, M. (2012).Chobani sets its sights on UK Greek yogurt market Retrieved 2 October 2017, from Hicks, R. (2012).Chobani expands in Australia - Mumbrella.Mumbrella. Retrieved 2 October 2017, from (2017).Chobani Pineapple on the Bottom Low-Fat Greek Yogurt 4 Pack | Retrieved 2 October 2017, from Shoup, M. (2016).Chobani launches in Mexico, marking first international export Retrieved 2 October 2017, from Wong, C. (2016).Chobani Debuts Stunning -- And Sexy -- Lesbian-Themed Commercial.Huffington Post India. Retrieved 2 October 2017, from Venter, P., Wright, A., Dibb, S. (2015). Performing market segmentation: a performative perspective.Journal of Marketing Management,31(1-2), 62-83. Jayaswal, S., Jewkes, E. M. (2016). Price and lead time differentiation, capacity strategy and market competition.International Journal of Production Research,54(9), 2791-2806. (2013).Chobani.Chobani Yogurt. Retrieved 2 October 2017, from

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