Saturday, August 31, 2019

Discrimination and Single Equality Scheme Essay

Ann Gravells states the importance of keeping uptodate with legislation and codes of practise in Preparing to Teach in the LifeLong Learning Sector. According to Gravells it is important to do so â€Å"to ensure you are remaining current with your knowledge and practise, and any changes or updates that have taken place.† I comply with various generic legislation and codes of practise which relate to my role as a teacher and some that are specific to the subjects I teach i.e. assessor and verifier awards, management, helath & socialcare (adults and children) and some specific to my organisation. As a teacher I need to be aware of and comply with the following: †¢ Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. †¢ shall be the duty of every employee while at work— †¢ (a)to take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and of other persons who may be affected by his acts or omissions at work; and †¢ (b)as regards any duty or requirement imposed on his employer or any other person by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions, to co-operate with him so far as is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with †¢ Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000. †¢ Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and 2005 (DDA). †¢ Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 (designed to bring education within the remit of the DDA through the addition of Part 4 DDA 1995). †¢ Equality Act 2010. the Act is to consolidate the complicated and numerous array of Acts and Regulations, which formed the basis of anti-discrimination law in Great Britain. This was, primarily, the Equal Pay Act 1970, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Race Relations Act 1976, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and three major statutory instruments protecting discrimination in employment on grounds of religion or belief, sexual orientation and ageIt requires equal treatment in access to employment as well as private and public services, regardless of the protected characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. In the case of gender, there are special protections for pregnant women. In the case of disability, employers an d service providers are under a duty to make reasonable adjustments to their workplaces to overcome barriers experienced by disabled people. †¢ Data Protection Act 1998. †¢ Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (The Copyright and Related Rights Regulations 2003). †¢ IfL Code of Practice for Teachers (2008) covers the activities of teachers in Lifelong learning sector. Gravells, a the code is based on seven behaviours, namely: professional integrity, respect, reasonable care, professiponal practise, criminal defense disclosure, responsibility during institute investigations, responsibility. †¢ Safer practice, safer learning (2007) – responsibilities for safeguarding vulnerable adults in the learning and skills sector – published by NIACE and DES. The LSC Single Equality Scheme 2007-10: Our Strategy for Equality and Diversity (LSC, 2007) identifies their strategy for ensuring legal requirements are met and is relevant to all organisations funded by the LSC (Learning and Skills Council), link [pic] Although mainly relevant for teachers working with learners under 19 or vulnerable adults under 25 years of age, you should also look at: †¢ Protection of Children Act 1999. †¢ Every Child Matters Every Child Matters (ECM) is a UK government initiative for England and Wales, that was launched in 2003, at least partly in response to the death of Victoria Climbià © Its main aims are for every child, whatever their background or circumstances, to have the support they need to: †¢ Be healthy †¢ Stay safe †¢ Enjoy and achieve †¢ Make a positive contribution †¢ Achieve economic well-being Biblography: Gravells, Ann: Preparing tpo Teach in the Life Long Learning Sector : fourth Edition. †¢ Safer practice, safer learning (2007) Responsibilities for safeguarding vulnerable adults in the learning and skills sector, NIACE and DES. †¢ LSC (2007) Single Equality Scheme: Our Strategy for Equality and Diversity Online: [pic]

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ethics of eating meat Essay

Have you ever wondered why people become vegetarians? People who are vegetarians choose to become so for a wide variety of reasons. Being a vegetarian has become a popular and trendy during the past few decades. However, according to Alan Beardsworth and Alan Bryman authors of â€Å"Meat Consumption and Meat Avoidance Among Young People: An 11-year Longitudinal Study,† people have started to eat more meat rather than avoid it. Whether vegetarianism is on the rise or not, it is interesting to discover what drives a person to choose a vegetarian lifestyle. John Lawrence Hill, professor of law at St. Thomas University, School of Law, and author of The Case for Vegetarianism, holds that about nine million Americans are vegetarians, which is about four percent of the entire population of the United States. Reasons for why people of this group become vegetarians include health, not liking the taste of meat, compassion for animals, and religious reasons. According to Karen Iacobbo, professor at Johnson and Wales University, and Michael Iacobbo, a journalist for the Associated Press and the Providence Pheonix, who are both the authors of Vegetarians and Vegans in America Today, people even become vegetarians in order to end world hunger. When people decide to become vegetarians, they are usually motivated by a single reason. Iacobbo goes on to say that the person who decided to become a vegetarian usually adds other reasons why they became one (Iacobbo). Read Also: Exploratory Essay Topics for College Students I think this is true, because one thing might finally convince someone to become a vegetarian, but as they learn more about vegetarianism and meet other vegetarians, their reason for becoming a vegetarian will become many reasons. In their book, Karen and Michael Iacobbo include a survey taken by the Vegetarian Times in 1992 that stated that the majority of people become vegetarians â€Å"for health reasons, followed by ethical, religious, environmental, and other reasons† (74). Conversely, Hill points out that 67 percent of people who become vegetarians did so because of animal suffering concerns, followed by 38 percent who were concerned with health. Either way, health and animal suffering are the two largest concerns for people who decide to become vegetarians. Only four percent of the entire United States is vegetarian? This really is not much of the population at all. If vegetarianism was so much better for you than being an omnivore, shouldn’t the number be much greater? If it is so easy to become a vegetarian, wouldn’t there be more people converting? The answer should be yes, but why is this not the case? Those against the idea of becoming vegetarians have the answers. They claim that vegetarianism is not as healthy as it claims to be. People choose not to become vegetarians so that they can get all the vitamins that are essential for healthy life, because they are pregnant, or so that they can keep a healthy bone density. All these reasons are to promote health. It is interesting to learn that most people become vegetarians for health reasons, while most people say they stay omnivores for health reasons too. Additionally, people are meat-eaters because it is inconvenient to be a vegetarian. It can be very difficult for people who are accustomed to eating meat their whole life to make the switch to vegetarianism. Another reason people do not want to be vegetarians is so they do not have to deal with social situations that may arise because they are vegetarians. In this exploratory research paper I aim to learn the reasons why people choose or choose not to be vegetarians and to explain both sides of the vegetarian/anti-vegetarian argument. Health reasons are a major factor that makes people want to become vegetarians. Iacobbo claims that studies show that a vegetarian diet can help prevent or reverse arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Prevention or reversal of diseases and cancer are great, reasonable, and productive reasons to become a vegetarian. Suzanne Havala Hobbs, D.Ph., RD, clinical assistant professor at the School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, tells us â€Å"sticking to a vegetarian diet can be challenging†¦ especially†¦ if your motivation for going vegetarian is health† (qtd. in Iacobbo 74). Becoming a vegetarian is difficult enough, and if someone doesn’t feel like they are making a difference or feel like they have a strong enough motivation, he or she is likely to fail. An interesting quote that I found in my research is â€Å"the fat you eat is the fat you wear,† as stated by John McDougall, MD, (qtd. in Iacobbo 75). In other words, eating meat is apparently an unhealthy diet and makes you fat. So, in order to not get fat, people become vegetarians because that diet is lower in fat. According to Iacobbo’s book, Neal Bernard and his Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine have done studies that demonstrate that a vegan diet can result in a reversal of disease. His study is very significant because a diet without meat that can reverse disease is remarkable. More people should want to become vegetarians just because of studies like this. Some people choose to be vegetarians because they dislike the taste of meat. According to Hill, twelve percent of vegetarians are so because they do not like the taste of meat. This argument for becoming a vegetarian is quite simple because if a person does not like meat, they will not eat it. Meat-eaters cannot argue with the dislike of meat because it is just personal preference. I do not really understand why people dislike meat though. Possibly they have never had meat cooked correctly so that it tastes delicious. Maybe they have grown up most of their life without eating meat, and after they taste it, it’s just different from what they are used to. In any situation, you can’t really change someone’s mind to not be a vegetarian if they just don’t like the taste of meat. Although some don’t like the taste of eating meat, some are completely against it for the animals’ sakes. Animal cruelty and factory farming are two of the most popular reasons for becoming a vegetarian. Factory farming is â€Å"a system of large-scale industrialized and intensive agriculture that is focused on profit with animals kept indoors and restricted in mobility† ( Hill claims that factory farms do not care about the animals’ living conditions; all factory farms care about is the profit they make off the animals they sell. Because there are places like factory farms, choosing meat can pose a problem for everyday omnivores. An interesting quote I came upon during my explorations was a quote about choosing to eat meat: â€Å"if you eat meat today, your typical choice is between animals raised with either more (chicken, turkey, fish, and pork) or less (beef) cruelty† (Foer 243). I thought this quote was valuable because it explicitly states that there is no good way to choose meat. Any type of meat you could choose is bad because the animals were treated terribly. Foer also mentions that â€Å"contributing to the suffering of billions of animals that live miserable lives and (quite often) die in horrific ways† is a great influence to potential vegetarians (243). Foer puts it quite plainly that the meat we eat every day comes from animals who were treated in cruel ways. People sometimes choose not to eat meat because they care about the way animals are treated before and at the time of death. People don’t just become vegetarians for feeling sorry for animals. Some people have to be vegetarians because of their religion. Iacobbo states that for thousands of years, vegetarianism has been practiced for such religions as Judaism, Christianity, Catholicism, Seventh Day Adventism, Mormonism, and Paganism. According to Hill, vegetarianism is also customary in Hinayana Buddhism. Hill goes on to state that Hinduism is â€Å"known for its strict adherence to vegetarianism†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (32). So, vegetarian is extraordinarily popular throughout many religions all over the world. Although some people like to be vegetarians for various other reasons, these religious people are required or suggested to be because of their religions. It is perfectly understandable for people to believe that they should be vegetarians because their religion requires them to be. Surprisingly to some, people sometimes choose to become vegetarians in order to help end world hunger. This reason for becoming vegetarian was surprising to me because I had never heard of this reason before engaging in my research. Hill states that the problem is that a third of the world’s grain harvest is used to feed livestock, but about a billion people in the world are malnourished. He then proposes that the solution to this problem is to rework the system to better use the resources to help eradicate world hunger. An unnamed writer in Hill’s book calls this misuse of the resources â€Å"unfair distribution† and states that â€Å"if everyone†¦ became a vegetarian, it would be possible to give four tons of edible grain to every starving person† (qtd. in Hill 128). So, the less meat people eat, the more grains there are for the rest of the world to eat. If the cows, pigs, and chickens don’t eat those grains, it gives more to the people who really need it. Essentially, if the world were comprised of vegetarians, people would not suffer from starvation. Meat eating has been practiced for thousands and thousands of years. This alone for some is reason enough for being omnivorous. There are also other reasons to be a meat-eater though. Some of them are being pregnant, being a baby or toddler, getting all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy life, inconvenience of being a vegetarian, and to avoid social situations and dealing with one’s vegetarianism. A large portion of today’s vegetarians is women. Women who are vegetarians or women who might want to become vegetarians might decide to not be vegetarians for their pregnancy. According to Nina Planck, author of â€Å"Real Food: What to Eat and Why,† a woman who was expecting stated that before she became pregnant, she â€Å"[†¦] concluded that a vegan pregnancy was irresponsible. You cannot create and nourish a robust baby merely on foods from plants.† Planck goes on to state that vegetarians who have babies that they would like to be vegetarians sometimes allow the babies to eat a non-vegan diet. She also argues that breast milk is the best nourishment for babies. She adds that sometimes vegans try to use soymilk as a replacement for breast milk, but that soymilk stunts growth and also decreases the absorption of protein and minerals. I agree that breast milk is the best source of nutrients for babies. Women were designed to make the milk for the babies to drink, so it should be the ideal nourishment for the babies. In addition, Planks claims that â€Å"a vegan diet is equally dangerous for weaned babies and toddlers, who need plenty of protein and calcium.† From her arguments we can deduce that for babies to have a vegetarian diet is unhealthy because they will not get enough protein, and will end up unhealthy. In summation, babies need to be omnivorous or at least be able to eat dairy products in order to have the healthiest lifestyle. Babies are not the only ones that need all their nutrients. Many people choose to be omnivores in order to get all the vitamins and nutrients they need. According to the article â€Å"To Meat or Not to Eat,† cutting out meat does not necessarily mean being healthy. [†¦] Kids also could be cutting out key nutrients, especially if they go vegan.† A vegetarian diet could be detrimental by itself, and I certainly agree that it could be even worse for young adults to be vegan. Winston J. Craig of the Department of Nutrition and Wellness at Andrews University declares that diets without eggs, fish, or seaweed do not have n-3 fatty acids that help with the cardiovascular system. Vegans do not eat eggs or fish, so they are likely to have more problems with their heart since these foods are not in their diet. Craig states that vegetarians and especially vegans have lower blood concentrations of n-3 fatty acids compared to meat eaters. Craig’s article includes an EPIC-Oxford study, in which it was observed that vegans have a quarter of the amount of vitamin D that non-vegetarians have. Penney explains that Vitamin D enables our bodies to use calcium. Without sufficient vitamin D, people will not be able to absorb and use the calcium they may or may not intake. Penney later adds that calcium is important for people to absorb for bone mass. Craig claims vegans tend to have lower concentrations of vitamin B-12, therefore creating vitamin B-12 deficiencies. So vegans will tend to have more vitamin B-12 deficiencies than non-vegans or non-vegetarians. Craig also argues that vegetarians have low intakes of calcium because of their diets. As Craig explains, a vitamin B-12 deficiency creates neurological and psychiatric complications. He adds that vegetarians consume less zinc than non-vegetarians, but evidence for this being a problem is lacking. However, some people are likely to not become vegetarians anyway so that if a lower intake of zinc turns out to be a problem, they will not have to worry. So, people are likely not to choose a vegetarian diet in order to gain all the n-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, vitamin B-12, and zinc their bodies require. According to Hill, the inconvenience of being a vegetarian is â€Å"the most important reason, as a practical matter, that many people do not become vegetarians† (154). Hill states that twenty-seven percent of vegetarians found not eating meat very hard to do. Hill understands why vegetarianism can be difficult to adopt, stating that eating meat is easier, more enjoyable, and more convenient than eating a vegetarian diet. He calls starting a vegetarian diet downright â€Å"burdensome.† So even according to a vegetarian, starting vegetarianism can be a difficult task to undertake. Non-vegetarians may decide to stay vegetarians for social reasons. A common belief among meat-eaters is, according to Hill, if they become a vegetarian, they will â€Å"become a hermit, a recluse, or social outcast† (155). Facing situations where people have to admit to being a vegetarian can stop people from becoming vegetarians altogether. Hill adds that it is especially a popular decision to stay omnivorous if the person has to go to many outings at restaurants with clients or business partners. They may feel ashamed or shy to admit that they are vegetarians, so they will just stay meat eaters instead. An interesting bit of information that I found during my research was a list of notable people who were vegetarians. Hill lists them; they are people such as â€Å"Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Voltaire, Benjamin Franklin, Henry David Thoreau, Leo Tolstoy, Thomas Edison, George Bernard Shaw, Albert Schweitzer, and Mahatma Gandhi† (xiv). Also mentioned by Hill as vegetarians were ancient philosophers and writers such as Socrates, â€Å"the father of ancient rationalism and humanism;† Plato; and Ovid (xiv). When I read these names, it made me feel like I should become a vegetarian too because these people are such amazing people in history, and becoming a vegetarian would make me feel like I am more notable like them. If some of the biggest names in history were vegetarians, shouldn’t we take note and become vegetarians as well? Possibly. But I don’t think that I could ever give up my meat for good. Being a vegetarian means to give up all meat, and to not eat it consistently. Vegetarians may choose to be so because of health reasons or for concerns for the treatment of animals. They may decide to take up vegetarianism to help end world hunger or for their religion. More simply, some people become vegetarians because they just don’t like the taste of meat. However, non-vegetarians decide against vegetarianism for health reasons as well. It may be safer and healthier for pregnant mothers to be omnivores and for their babies or toddlers to be omnivores as well. Many people choose to stay omnivores because they would like to obtain all the vitamins a diet with meat brings. Others may be meat-eaters because it is inconvenient to be a vegetarian or to avoid social situations they don’t wish to face. After my research, I have concerns if vegetarians take vitamin supplements to supply all the vitamins they would get if they ate meat, if they are as effective as the meat. I also wonder if vegetarianism became more successful, how would a widespread participation in vegetarianism affect the economy of the United States? And finally, how do vegetarians feel about the genetic manipulation of crops? Works Cited Anti-Vegetarian T-Shirt 156790. N.d. JPEG. 7 Oct. 2011. Web. Beardsworth, Alan, and Alan Bryman. â€Å"Meat Consumption and Meat Avoidance Among Young People: An 11-year Longitudinal Study.† British Food Journal 106.4 (2004). 14 Oct. 2011. Web. Criag, Winston J. â€Å"Health Effects of Vegan Diets.† The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 89.5 (May 2009). 14 Oct. 2011. Web. â€Å"Factory Farming.†’s 21st Century Lexicon., LLC. 09 Nov. 2011. Web. Foer, Jonathan Safran. Eating Animals. New York: Little, Brown, and Company, 2009. Print. Hill, John Lawrence. The Case for Vegetarianism. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 1996. Print. Iacobbo Karen, and Michael Iacobbo. Vegetarians and Vegans in America Today. Connecticut: Praeger, 2006. Print. Penney, Debra S. â€Å"Nutritional Counseling for Vegetarians During Pregnancy and Lactation.† SciVerse: Science Direct 53.1 (Jan. – Feb. 2008): 31 Oct. 2011. Web. Planck, Nina. â€Å"Death by Veganism.† New York Times 21 May 2007. 31 October 2011. Web. Protein? N.d. JPEG. Vegetarian Fighters. 7 Oct. 2011. Web. â€Å"To Meat or Not to Meat.† Current Events 108.16 (2009): 7. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. 14 Oct. 2011. Web.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Cultural Manifestation Via A Game Of Street Basketball Essay

Two hoops, ten players, one basketball court and one leather ball to dribble, pass, shoot and score points with. The other aspects of basketball – the rules, the technicalities – are all fluid and bent by the whims and preferences of the existing culture, even the existing playing teams. Street basketball may not be the roots of the sport, but through the years, it has becoming both the foundation of professional basketball as well as the avenue for the exercise of the growing subculture in street basketball. Ballard (2004) elaborates: â€Å"Within the caged confines amidst the bohemian community of Greenwich Village in Lower Manhattan can be found the essence of street basketball: all the grit, showmanship, competition, and spectacle that make the game great† (pg 35). To those who are not indoctrinated in the culture of street basketball, it is easy to say that what they see being played on the street and what they see flashing on their television monitors are both the same game of basketball; that they share so many similar attributes and that the only thing different in street basketball compared to collegiate or professional basketball is the level of popularity. But that is far from the truth – because those who know and understand street basketball, those who lived and breathed street basketball, those who bled and literally died in the cement floors of the street basketball courts know that what they do where they do it is so much different from what high salaried pro basketball players do in the NBA. They have different stages where they play; they have different rules as well as different ways of enforcing it; they have different cultures and different reasons why they play basketball. The only thing they have in common is that they all want that leather and rubber spheroid up in the air and then inside the rim, swooshing the net that makes a catcall for such a sexy swing. Professional basketball is all about winning the coveted ‘ring’, about being able to parade around town like rockstars and hoist that championship trophy alongside guys who you might be elbowing the following season. In professional basketball, there is a certain convenience for players and team owners to just move from one team to another because it is just a job for them, but on the street, one’s alliance to a basketball team is a binding oath; jumping to another team is never about the job of getting the Ws and finishing the season with the ‘ring’, and most players who see a former teammate desert them always take it personal, because street basketball is never a job. It is a brotherhood where loyalty is the most expensive and most important aspect of a player, and those who sell it cheap will always have a ‘low market value’. Street basketball and professional basketball have different set of ethos – in street basketball, they play for their team’s pride and for the wager while in professional basketball, they play for their own personal pride and for their own personal salary, especially in today’s era when even the best of players are traded to other teams in exchange for the chance of the team’s long term vision to take shape. In street basketball, it is always here and now, every game feels like the last game, and it is hard to go home with a monkey on your back because when you lost, you did not just part with some of your money, you also parted with some ounces of self respect and the respect of the people in the neighborhood about you, your team and your game. Observing and analyzing human behavior – Like every cultural vestige and like every subculture type, included in the consideration for the analysis of certain cultural practices is the assessment of human behavior. In street basketball, there are also a set of prevailing human behavior and the dictating factors on why such patterns exist, appear and persist. The manifestation of these sets and patterns of human behavior inside street basketball is two-pronged; those which the average eyes can see and those which only the trained eyes can detect happen simultaneously. It is both reflected and hidden in the way they dress, in the way they talk and in the way they play the game. The human behavior patterns in street basketball depict that of the prehistoric tribes – it requires that only the fittest with the toughest set of behaviors survive. And what are these behaviors? The behavior in fighting, in negotiating, in people management and control of power – all of these behaviors are essential for a person to survive the culture of street basketball. Without some of these behaviors, the individual is forced outside the circle of street basketball. Players fight for their place to be among those who are considered as respected basketball players in the street. Outside the five-on-five, there are those who wield similar power, clout and influence – those who fix wagers, those who tap, harness and control budding talents and those who are present in the circuit for their own socio-political reasons. One needs only to sit down by the bleachers and take a good look around to see the abundance of a diverse set of human behavior present inside one confined yet open spaced rectangular domain of street basketball. African American guys play with white guys and vice versa, and so does the relationship of those who have different ethnic descent, and this reflects the behavior of the individuals inside street basketball when it comes to ethnic sensitivity. Other easily discernable behaviors found in street basketball include the penchant of most basketball players for gambling, their obvious disregard for socially accepted behavior while in public like going topless for most of the time, spitting, cursing and the prevalence of foul and derogatory terms hurled at each other, the integration of gang related separatist attitude and the resorting to physical assault as a way to settle differences of avenge any feeling of indignation. Looking at street basketball players, the universal behavior noticeable is their take on street basketball as the end all and be all of their lives – they gamble every paper bill they have on the pockets of their pants, sometimes, even money that they don’t have, on a round of street basketball without serious regard for what will happen in the future in the event that they lose their bet; most of them would rather spend their days playing ball and cementing their hold among their peers and their social cliques, which sometimes result in the creation of strong bonds of brotherhood between two persons or among members of a group or the creation of intensive animosity as well; school is never an equally important priority, and the preference for the type of work they would engage on is similar on how they battle, win and lost in street basketball – exciting, thrilling and promises the yield of a quick buck.. Street basketball is a religion, while professional basketball is a mere day job for night shift dribblers, and the rituals that are involved in the daily exercise of their faith exists in different aspects – there are rituals of battle, rituals of praise, rituals done to ask for intercession and divine intercession as well as the rituals for both the victorious and the defeated. At some point, the ‘real’ and the ‘sports-based’ religion meets in the middle, when religion is infused in the practice of a competitive sport, because there is one ultimate human behavior that is manifested greatly in street basketball – and that is the desire to win, because winning is always more than the scorebook statistics; it is about winning wagers and bets, winning the respect of the crowd as well as the opponents and winning your own sense of self respect towards yourself. A sports activity is a particular cultural event, and like any other cultural event, st reet basketball is unique in different places. But despite these differences, this cultural event shares the same characteristic – and that is this: that it is the showcasing of the most primitive instinct that is present among humans inside the society; it is a display of skill, grace, strength and the set of values to which a person will be remembered for; it is a reminder of how fiercely competitive the world is, how one should earn everything with his bare hands standing on his own two feet alone. Street basketball speaks a lot about a place’s culture; pro basketball is plain entertainment. Works Cited: Ballard, Chris. â€Å"Hoops Nation: A Guide to America’s Best Pickup Basketball. † University of Nebraska Press, October 2004.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Amilcar cabral Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Amilcar cabral - Assignment Example Depending with the type of colonialism, that is, settler or exploitation colonialism, the ant-colonialism movements/groups will employ different techniques in their bid to regain back their freedom and/or autonomy of rule (Lovejoy, 2012); which may take violent and/or non-violent measures. The non-violent techniques and strategies involve diplomacy and negotiations but they are mainly inapplicable simply because the motivation for colonization is long term missioned based on either political, religious and economic interest; and the breakdown of these measures leads to suppression by police or armed forces necessitating the colonies to form revolts to fight for independence. Background Majority of the African countries have had a history of either settlers or exploitation colonization with the latter taking precedence due to minerals and favorable weather and climatic conditions that favored settler’s agricultural interest. ... for Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde, Angola, Mozambique, Kenya and Swaziland respectively in a bid to fight for their independence (Bienen, 1977). In this paper we shall look into details the activities of Amilcar Cabral and his undying motivation to liberate people of Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde as we analyze the political and social journey during colonial and postcolonial era. Amilcar Cabral was a Guinea Bissau national born on September 12, 1924 and assassinated on January 20, 1973, 8 months afore the unilateral affirmation of liberation for Guinea Bissau. He is viewed as a nationalist thinker and a political leader who based his social-economic and political views on materialist interpretation of historical development and dialectical view of social transformation through analysis of class-relations and conflicts in the society, commonly referred to as Marxism (Callinicos, 2011). Though he was not a Marxist, he drew much of his inspiration and motivation from education and profess ionalism he had gained as an agronomist and a writer from Instituto Superior De Agronomia University in Lisbon, Portugal. While a student in Lisbon, he founded a student movements dedicated to opposing dictatorship rule by Portuguese with an aim of promoting the cause of liberation of Portuguese colonies in Africa, a move that envisioned his political career and a perception as the Africa’s foremost ant-colonial leader. He led African Party for Independence of Guinea Bissau People and Cape Verde [PAIGC], a guerilla movement he had founded in Guinea Bissau together with MPLA for Angola in 1956, against the Portuguese rule and later evolved as one of the most successful wars of independence in African history. With the vast knowledge of Portuguese traditions he had gotten

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Use of Force Policy in New Jersey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Use of Force Policy in New Jersey - Essay Example It will then evaluate the policy by presenting the advantages and the disadvantages of the policy, and end by submitting some recommendations on the measures which can be used to improve the policy for the law enforcement officers. For the use of force in general, be it lethal or non-lethal, the policy states certain ground points that need to be followed by the police department. These four points include the use of force only by authorized and certified police officials, the use of force only when appropriate and required, the appropriate and reasonable use of force both in intensity and type, and the use of force only to attain lawful or legal ends (Use of force, 2000). Furthermore, the policy defines these lawful ends, in general, as any of the following four situations: when the officer is confronted with resistance directed at himself or others; when there is application of force against the officer or a third party, which could be another officer or an innocent bystander; when there is a threat of damage to property; or when the officer needs to make other legal ends possible, such as making an arrest (Use of force, 2000). For the use of deadly force, the parameters are further defined. Deadly force can be used only when the officer believes the criminal will cause death or serious bodily harm to the officer or a third party and when there are no other methods of stopping him, or in cases of an escape of such a criminal who has been charged with causing serious bodily harm or killing someone, and who the officer has reasonable belief will cause such harm if he succeeds in escaping (Use of force, 2000). Again, deadly force should only be used if there are no other options available and no innocent bystanders are in the danger of being hurt (Use of force, 2000). In 2009 (Hester, 2010), the Attorney General, on the basis of the recommendations and findings of his advisory committee on the use of force policy (Use of force, 2000), introduced the concept and the use of non-lethal weapons or force in police action in the state of New Jersey. This policy concerned mainly with the use of stun guns by police officers (Hester, 2009), although others measures of non-lethal force such as the use of rubber bullets, baton, foam, pressurized water, and other such devices does constitute non-lethal force (Capstick, 2001). There are two versions o f the policy; the original policy, issued in 2009, and a revised version, issued in 2010 (Hester, 2010). The revised version is currently in place (Hester, 2010). The use of non-lethal force does not replace the use of lethal force; it helps merely in reducing the number of incidents in which the police had to resort to lethal force in the absence of any alternative measures (Hester, 2009). Similarly, there are laws defining the use of such force just as there are for lethal force. The use of stun guns is the most common non-lethal force employed by the police (Hester, 2009). According to the old version of the policy, the police could only use this force against those deemed mentally ill or disturbed who were posing imminent danger either to themselves or to the public (Hester, 2010). Such people could be unarmed forcefully and arrested by the use of stun guns (Hester, 2010). The police had to take into account the opinion of an expert on the scene for such matters (Hester, 2010). Stun guns could not be used to forcefully make

Romanticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Romanticism - Essay Example There is a part in the song where the tempo is fast and the singing is full of emotions through the high notes. The singers are relay meaningful words and emotions in the songs. This is comparable to one of my favorite songs in the recent years- Iris by Goo Goo Dolls. Similar to Erlknig of Franz Schubert, Iris also conveys meaningful story and full emotions. It is like an expression of a person's sentiments towards the society. It appears as a dedication to a certain person, filled with love and perseverance despite the apparent battle from the outside. I particularly liked the freedom of expression of one's self in the song. The Romanticism period rejects the usual calm music found in the Classical period, that's why Romantic music are sometimes called irrational, but filled with expression and freedom. These are also the characteristics of the song Iris by Goo Goo Dolls. It is simply filled with freedom.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Strategic Management in Action. HSBC Group Essay

Strategic Management in Action. HSBC Group - Essay Example After the organization of Hong Kong as a British colony in the consequences of the Opium War, a bank was required to finance the mounting trade between China and Europe. Its major and foundation-laying supplementary The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation were recognized in Hong Kong and Shanghai in 1865. HSBC Holdings plc is a public limited company integrated in England and Wales, headquartered in London Strategic management refers to the art of planning your business at the maximum possible level. It is the responsibility of the company’s leader (or leaders). Strategic management centers on building a solid underlying structure to your business that will then be fleshed out through the joint efforts of every individual you employ. It is the procedure of specifying the organizations mission, vision and objectives, rising policies and plans, often in terms of projects and programs, which are planned to attain these objectives and then allocating resources to employ the policies, and plans, projects and programs. Strategic management seeks to organize and incorporate the activities of the different functional areas of a business in order to attain long-term organizational objectives. The business is being redesign to focus chiefly on high growth economies, by hopeful to trend to 60% of revenues coming from these economies. When looking at the urbanized markets business, center is to build particularly on those parts of the customer base which have international connectivity for which their "right to win" is mainly important. Global Banking and Markets: 4,000 international customers, where rising markets, stability sheet and worldwide platforms (HSBC net, Payments & Cash Management, Global Sub-Custody, Trade Services) are HSBCs calling card. Commercial Banking: 2.7 million customers locally, where top end customers and 40% of HSBCs SME customers have international requirements, HSBCs calling card. The

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Commercial Bank of Qatar Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Commercial Bank of Qatar - Assignment Example The profit from these services differs according to a number of different factors such as volume and nature of the service provided. To increase bank profitability, it is important to distinguish between retail banking products that produce high profit from those that produce low profit. (Open Solutions 2007) provides a profit analysis solution referred to as "ProfitVision". ProfitVision is ready-to-deploy solution that can be adapted to the financial institution needs. It integrates with other accounting solutions to extract real time data for its operations. The institution decides how deep their profitability measure goes by deciding which products, branches and business units to include. The institution picks the data to use in profit calculations and the formulas to be applied to generate the results. The profit model defines processes, threshold and indices that are specific to the enterprise to provide decision makers with custom reports. ProfitVision allows managers to analyze and segment their customers, products and business entities according to profitability. Results can be exported to internal systems for automated action (Open Solutions 2007). The Commercial Bank of Qatar (CBQ) is the second largest bank in Qatar with 6.8 billion dollars as of June 2006 (Peninsula 2006). CBQ provides a number of retail banking services such as customer accounts, loans and credit cards. Most information systems employed withi... ProfitVision allows managers to analyze and segment their customers, products and business entities according to profitability. Results can be exported to internal systems for automated action (Open Solutions 2007). The Commercial Bank of Qatar (CBQ) is the second largest bank in Qatar with 6.8 billion dollars as of June 2006 (Peninsula 2006). CBQ provides a number of retail banking services such as customer accounts, loans and credit cards. 2. Research Problem 2.1 Research Problem Description Most information systems employed within banks do not provide bank managers with measurements of profitability of different bank segments dealing in different banking retail products. Bank managers base their decision making on hunches and not actual profitability of different bank segments. Terri Stonebraker, director of customer services at Bellco Credit Union, said "Bellco operated on hunches about its various segments. We needed to know who the most and least profitable segments are" (Marlin 2003). CBQ similar to most banks suffer from lack of profitability measures of different bank segments. Bank senior managers lack the measures to highlight high and low profitability within bank segments. CBQ senior managers require profitability analysis of bank sectors to improve the quality of financial management within the bank. 2.2 Significance and Contribution of the Research Problem Profit analysis of different retail banking products and bank sectors develops a profit-conscious decision making throughout the institution. Financial institution senior managers would be able to encourage strategies to attract and retain most profitable customers, as well as make

Saturday, August 24, 2019

A Thesis Driven Argument in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A Thesis Driven Argument in Education - Essay Example It is not acceptable as the Asian students are working hard and give their full effort in studies to fulfill their dreams and meet personal career objectives. It is true that people may have several opinions, but looking into the facts that are portrayed by the documentary film it can be argued that Chinese and Indian students deserve more things and opportunities in life as they seriously work hard comparing to the American students in order to fulfill their dreams. According to the interview of Tim Draper; the venture capitalist of Silicon Valley, the education system of America is breaking down. This documentary film follows the argument with several facts. The most amazing and interesting one is that more than fifty percent of the American students do not take mathematics beyond one year in Geometry and two years in Algebra. It is quite shocking. The demand of this particular subject is significantly increasing around the globe. Several geometric, algebraic and calculus calculati ons are required in several big projects. Limited knack of students towards mathematics is seriously affecting the education system of the country. It is an important fact. This source of this particular information is the website of â€Å"National center for Education Statistics, 2004†. Asian students are known for their hard work in their studies. It is true and cannot be denied that major talented and skilled professional come from this part of the globe. But, several political and economical issues create various difficulties for the Asian students to capitalize on the potential opportunities. The education system and concept about education varies from a country to country. American students generally devote themselves in their sports and jobs since their childhood.... This paper approves that recent financial crisis and economic recession changed the scenario of global economic environment. Limited disposable income of people, low purchasing power and poor economic growth of several developed and developing countries forced several governments to change their economic policies. American students can avail several potential opportunities in their life to make prosperous and successful professional career. On the other hand, the Chinese and Indian students follow straight line in studies. They never used to deviate from their major aim and goal due to lack of options and potential opportunities in their countries. This essay makes a conclusion that the documentary film â€Å"2 Million Minutes† is an effective documentary film that provided a strong message attached to it. It is highly understandable that there are huge differences between the education systems in India, China and The United States of America. Students of India and China generally prefer in-depth study. They give their 100 percent in studies as their parents guide them to do so. On the other hand, American students do not love to spend long school hours as they prefer to take interest in several extra curriculum activities. Despite the hard work, the Asian students find it difficult to get the opportunity to study in renowned colleges and universities. On the other hand, American students get the opportunity to study in their preferred colleges. It is the economical advantages and political stability of US that helps the students to grow in their preferable fields. Therefore, it can be stated that the documentary film is totally practical and unbiased.

Friday, August 23, 2019

A Journal opinion article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Journal opinion article - Essay Example e report is erroneous although there is no reason to harp on this issue since the myth about the flourishing economic situation of America has disappeared since the days of the sub prime crisis. The other question that requires analysis is whether the foundation of this data is indisputable or not. This is because the way in which such data is calculated in the countries of European Union is different. The countries of the western European region have been moving through shaky financial situation for a long time when other problems such as unemployment are added to it. According to an estimate, the poverty situation in the US would have been higher if the method of calculation would have been on the lines of the European nations. However, that would not change the problem of poverty of a country that has always remained the hub of financial excesses. The economists have expressed extreme annoyance on this report that has been released by the President. The statistics of poverty situation might not be promising in the US particularly from the time of recession that gripped the nation with its ugly claws and gradually captured the entire world. However, as the economists have expressed that the data that has been taken into account for calculation is not correct as it has left out some of the most important aspects such as tax credits. When compared with the developing nations such as India or a part of South Eastern Asia, the poverty in the US might not be as bleak as it has been presented in the report. Poverty is necessarily a curse of every economy although it goes alongside irrespective of the situation. As a matter of fact, it is difficult to predict the way in which financiers would react to this report; overall the situation would not have much promises for them although the people who are thought to be under the grip of poverty or classified as belonging to the category below the line of poverty. In short, investments in the real estate or stock trading

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Good and Evil Essay Example for Free

Good and Evil Essay My report examines the connection of the coexistence of good and evil across texts and how these aspects effect human nature and society. The texts I used were ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee, ‘The Help’ by Tate Taylor, ‘Noughts Crosses’ by Malorie Blackman and ‘Harawira drops N-bomb in water hui debate† by Danya Levy. I believe these texts explore the moral nature of society and human beings as essentially being good and evil through social drifts of racial prejudice, discrimination and illustrates the effect of these on human nature and society through the characters responses to these societal niches. The primary form of evil across the texts is the social drifts that exist in the texts such as racial prejudice and discrimination. These are prevalent dilemmas in all texts. If we take for instances in â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† prejudice is often committed against the Negroes of the community of Maycomb by the whites. The community often regards Negroes as liars and criminals simply because they are black. â€Å"You gentlemen would go along with them on the assumption- the evil assumption that all Negroes lie, that all Negroes are basically immoral beings†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Without actually considering the black peoples perspective the community immediately gain the preconception that this is how the blacks are. This is the whole nature and attitude of most of the people in Maycomb( where TKMB is set) throughout the story. Likewise with ‘Noughts Crosses’ the Crosses believe that Noughts are inferior to them in every way and are nothing but trouble. Crosses put forward these prejudice ideas about Noughts in order to keep the two races from living alongside each other as both races despise each other and keeping themselves in power with no influence of Noughts running the country. The article ‘Harawira drops N-bomb in water hui debate† is slightly different in a way as it deals more with discrimination against Maori but nevertheless discrimination has the same effect of injustice towards a race or class as prejudice. In this article it is suggested by Hone that Maori are under the harsh dictatorship of John Key and have no control over their actions. â€Å"Maybe they should go back to John Key and tell him to stop treating his Maori MPs like he’s a plantation owner from Alabama in the 1950’s. † Hone throughout the article points out that John Key is not being lenient on his Maori MP’s on attending a debate about ‘Water Rights’ concerning the Maori, Hone expresses the fact that John Key should leave it up to the Maori MPs to decide what they want to do rather than follow orders by John Key like â€Å"little house niggers. † â€Å"The Help† tackles discrimination quite differently. Not only are the black maids in â€Å"The Help† treated unfavorably on the basis of their skin but â€Å"Miss Hilly† who is regarded as the main antagonist of the film is wrapped up in this idea that blacks carry a harmful disease that threatens the community of Jackson, Mississippi(Where The Help is set). The discrimination in â€Å"The Help† is the obvious white and black scene but the fact that the blacks are also treated unfavorably based on what diseases they carry and made to use separate bathrooms go beyond discrimination. This sort of conduct is how animals are treated because animals are made to stay outside just as blacks are made to use separate bathrooms. The one thing I noticed across these texts is that these social drifts left a certain race or class victimized by the turmoil these social drifts inflicted on them. Naturally from this consequence of victimization the audience of these texts is likely to gain a negative impression of prejudice and discrimination and make an informed decision that these conducts are â€Å"evil† which is exactly the way I regarded these social drifts. What prejudice and discrimination does is it makes somebody to believe that they are less human than everybody else whereas in actual fact we are all equal as anybody is as human as everybody around them and when prejudice or discrimination is committed it goes contrary to this therefore making them evil attributes and inhumane. In Alabama 1950’s racism did in fact pose an effect on human nature as people reacted in irrational ways towards blacks and rather than have a society that operated together it was segregated and balanced precariously on the razors edge of hostility and violence. The effect racism in general has on human nature and society further supports the evil that embodies prejudice and discrimination. The effect on human nature or the characters in these texts is apparent as characters across the texts are seen to react to them in irrational ways. The characters react to prejudice and discrimination in anger, hatred, violence and even suicidal ways. In â€Å"Noughts Crosses† Lynette is a Nought who is a victim to the prejudice and violence in her society. Unable to cope with the struggles she faces in everyday life she takes the easy way out my committing suicide and walking out into an oncoming bus. Also in â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† Boo Radley is forced into confinement in his house because the prejudice in Maycomb marks him as a maniac and therefore outcasts him from society. The idea that these cases pose is that social drifts such as prejudice is a big threat to people and thus making them again evil attributes. Lynette and Boo Radley encountered these evils and consequently were victimized or affected by these evils (social drifts). In regards to society as a whole prejudice and discrimination effect society because if there is a sufficient amount of these attributes around individuals than society itself is influenced by prejudice or discrimination and if society operates this way than people tend to believe that’s how society is meant to operate. This is most clearly seen in â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† by characters like Bob Ewell who is a drunken, abusive father who despises the blacks without reconsidering his attitudes towards blacks simply because prejudice is the status quo in Maycomb and this is what Bob Ewell has no doubt been brought up to believe that blacks are vile creatures. The effect of racism swings both ways though as seen in â€Å"Harawira drops N-bomb in water hui debate. † Hone is fueld with hostility towards John Key and forces Hone into a state of abuse and uncivil behavior. The point I am getting at is that racism effects the nature of humans as seen in Lynnete and Boo Radley or the countless examples across the texts. The effect is that it robs people of their innocence and effects society by disrupting the order because if you look at the definition of society. â€Å"The aggregate of people living together in an ordered community. † Bob Ewell by being racist towards blacks disrupts the peace between the races therefore disrupting the order and Maori are likely to be influenced by Hone who is a prominent Maori therefore he causes hostility between Maori and Pakeha due to his disagreements with the discrimination of the Maori MPs in turn this will disrupt the order and when there is no order there is no society which is the ultimate effect on society. I might have only used single people as examples but like I said there are countless examples across texts in terms of the effect racism has on human nature and society. When you think of ‘good’ across the texts people almost immediately regard the race or individuals being oppressed as the ‘good guys’ which brought me to the conclusion that the manifestation of ‘good’ comes from the oppressed. Across the texts the exploration of oppression is evident. In â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† the black community is the oppressed as Maycomb frown on their very essence and they are subject to racial prejudice. A prime example is Tom Robinson. A black man falsely accused of the rape of a white woman. He is innocent as proven by Atticus but society accuse him on the basis of his skin colour making him oppressed for his racial standings in the community. Similarly in â€Å"Noughts and Crosses† the Noughts are viewed as the scum of the world and everything bad that happens people point the finger at the Noughts. Like Tom Robinson, Callum( who is one of the main characters) is hanged for the rape of Sephy(another main character) despite her supplying the fact that he did not rape her to Kamal Hadley who is her father and orders for Callum to be hanged. Kamal knew Callum was innocent but wanted to see him hanged and this act saw that Callum was oppressed because of his race. â€Å"The Help† though more or less deals with a specific sub group of the Negroes. The obvious oppression against the blacks stand in â€Å"The Help† but the oppression is more specific in the texts. Rather than the blacks as a whole being oppressed â€Å"The Help† is primarily dealing with the oppression against the black maids of Jackson, Mississippi. The black maids work clearly isn’t valued in Jackson. The Maids are only paid minimal amount for their strenuous jobs and are always on edge and full of fear in the homes they work in. If the maids were being paid well or being provided better working conditions than the ones they were working in, things would be different but since this is not the case oppression is the means of explaining the hardship that the maids suffer. Like The Help, â€Å"Harawira drops N-bomb in water hui debate† deals with oppression against a specific group rather than a race as a whole. In the article it explores how the Maori MP’s of National are subject to the dictatorship of John Key and are unable to make a decision without John Keys approval. On a personal opinion I see this as oppression as it restricts the Maori from acting on free will which is within their rights in accordance to New Zealand being a ‘free country. ’ John Key by not allowing the Maori MPs to make their own decisions is oppressing the Maori of their rights consequently leaving the Maori oppressed in terms of their rights. A connecting aspect between the oppressed across the texts is that they are generally innocent people. This connection is paramount to the reason why I perceive the oppressed as being ‘good’ because when you look at the word innocent, the word itself associates with being good. Futhermore I think this quote in â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† expresses why innocence is a characteristic of a good person. â€Å"Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up peoples gardens, don’t nest in corncribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a Mockingbird. † Mockingbirds are innocent birds that do no harm but just sing. In the instances of the texts the oppressed are the Mockingbirds as they do nothing but go about their work. If I use the maids in â€Å"The Help† as an example they do nothing but go about their work as a maid and are treated like dirt. The oppressed are innocent making them good. Having oppressed races or individuals in the texts effects human nature and society. The effect is that it causes people to act for the common good and yearn for a society that does not discriminate based on race or class. Across the texts we can see that characters that recognize the injustices that occur towards the oppressed approach these situations with empathy and understanding and a need to incorporate change. The obvious examples of this would be people like Atticus in â€Å"To kill a Mockingbird† and Skeeter in â€Å"The Help† but this also occurs in minor characters along the plot of these stories that serve as a reminder that there are people who care about the oppressed and see them at eye level. In â€Å"Noughts Crosses† Miss Paxton who is a Cross teacher notices that the Noughts that attend Heathcroft which is a prestigious school are incessantly picked on and bullied by the Crosses. She makes it her cause to implement change and make life easier for Noughts at Heathcroft by consulting with the principle and working out a strategic plan to substantially improve the relationships of Noughts and Crosses. Unfortunately the principle is of the majority who are racist so this plan does not work out as well as Miss Paxton envisioned. Also in â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† Scout Finch applies Atticus’s principal of considering others perspective before judging them and approaching others with empathy and understanding. Although she understands that being a child it is beyond her ability to create a significant change in society but she understands that the simple conduct of considering others perspective will go a long way in terms of change because this simple conduct leaves oppressed less victimized and leaves them with their dignity. If human nature is affected for the common good then the people who are affected and are acting for the common good hold a marginal influence on society. This affects society because having people act for the common good would influence people to believe that the injustices that the oppressed are facing are immoral. This would ensure that society works on counteracting these injustices in order to create a more stable society that holds the peace of the people living in it so that they may live together in harmony. Much like Hone Harawira although he has a great capacity for violence he also has a greater capacity and yearning for the common good. He brings to light the hardship the Maori MPs are facing under John Keys dictatorship and exposes them in an unthinkable way but nevertheless in the hopes that people become aware of the injustices taking place against the Maori in order to influence people to make a stand against these injustices for a better social structure in society. This in fact is exactly the way Martin Luther King made an impact on the development of Negroes social standings in society. Through his many speeches and public appearances one would notice that he ‘dreamed’ of a world where people were not discriminated by race or class and he always acted for the best intentions or for the common good and many in ‘society’ were influenced by his actions in terms of acting for the common good. Through Martin Luther King he was the first stepping stone to society in America excepting Negroes into society itself. From this analogy we can see that living in a world with oppression, this influences people to act for the common good and society becomes influenced by these people so therefore society begins to operate more efficiently and in unity. This is a positive effect and further supports the capacity for good oppression poses for people. â€Å"We all have good and evil inside of us. It’s what side we choose to follow that defines who we really are. †(J. K.Rowling) This quote about good and evil suggests that rather than being simply creatures of good or creatures of evil human nature has a capacity for good and evil( which means we have both good and bad qualities) but its which part we choose to act on that marks who we are. From studying the texts I have come to an agreement that this is true. The characters that abide by prejudice and discrimination (The oppressors) have good and bad qualities but since they pursue these social drifts that are interpreted as evil rather than their good qualities the audience of the texts concludes that they are evil characters; Kamal is seen as the antagonist of ‘Noughts Crosses’ because he uses his social status to punish and discriminate the Noughts. In the perspective of the audience Kamal is the antagonist because discrimination is associated with ‘evil’ and he resorts to discrimination therefore he is seen as an evil character. Likewise with the oppressed. The oppressed remain oppressed in order to keep the peace rather than acting out in violence and hostility towards the oppressors; In ‘The Help’ Aibileen, a black maid, does not antagonize the white society and goes about her work without any hassle despite suffering from incessant discrimination from the white society. She is just an innocent person who goes through life coping with racism. Aibileen is perceived as ‘good’ because innocence is associated with ‘good’ and she is innocent so therefore the audience interpret her as a ‘good’ character. In terms of both having good and evil characteristics Hone Harawira is an excellent example. Hone stresses the fact that Maori are being exploited of their rights but he uses violent approaches such as name calling and abuse to emphasize his point. He has good intentions of promoting equality amongst Maori and Pakeha which is his ‘good’ quality but social drifts cause him to act out in irrational and hostile ways which are his ‘evil’ qualities. He has the capacity for good and evil as they both affect his human nature. There is an old story that illustrates the fact that human nature has the manifestation of both evil and good but we are marked as being either good or evil by which qualities we follow. â€Å"A native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this manner: Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time. When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied, the one I feed the most. † The affect of good and evil on human nature and society is simple. Good associates with peace, love, innocence etc. which are likely to leave a positive affect on human nature simply by the nature of these attributes. Having a positive affect on human nature means a positive affect on society as humanity holds influence on how society operates. Whereas with evil. Evil leads to war, violence hate which definitely leave negative affects on human nature because the pain these attributes cause. Having a negative affect on human nature means a negative affect on society as humanity under the influence of evil cause society to work backwards and away from unity and order. Going back to Alabama 1950’s the racist society were affected by the evils of social drifts like prejudice and discrimination so society was forced into a state of hostility and deplore. Afro-Americans like Martin Luther King were effected by the goods of oppression leading to his fight for equality, due to Martin Luther King society became more aware of the injustices that were taking place so society substantially changed to a society that did not discriminate based on race but upheld the peace and equality.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

School Essay Essay Example for Free

School Essay Essay Thank you for your interest in these resources for teacher professional development. This document outlines the content Microsoft is making available to help support teacher professional development, specifically content to enable the delivery of hands-on, project-based learning workshops for K-12 teachers. This content resides in the Microsoft Partners in Learning Network http://us. partnersinlearningnetwork. com/, Microsoft’s free online community site within a new community called â€Å"Microsoft Teacher Professional Development† community. Here is a direct link to this community[-0]. Be sure to click Join Now on the right side to access the content as this will be the place for the latest updates and community-contributed best practices for training teachers. The workshop curriculum is designed and organized as hands-on, project-based learning activities that are designed to be delivered to by a teacher leader (i. e. , train the trainer). The workshops integrate Microsoft Office, Web 2. 0 tools and a number of free tools Microsoft provides to create and inspire teachers to develop student-centered activities that use technology in relevant and real-world ways in the classroom. All of the materials are provided for free to teachers and teacher leaders to use within their professional development practices within the schools and districts. Any of the content can be customized for use within your schools and districts. There is content to support four workshops designed for K-12 teachers in the four folders provided. Each workshop is designed to run about 3 hours. Each folder contains all of the digital assets you will need all you need to provide are the teachers! 🙂 This content was developed by Knowledge Network Solutions (KNS) in close collaboration with Microsoft. KNS is a dynamic group of ex-teachers who are experts at applying technology in effective and relevant ways in the classroom aligned to academic and technology standards. To help you navigate the workshop content, here are some tips tricks to sorting through the below resources and suggestions for use. There are 4 workshops, each with its own curriculum organized in these folders: 1. Tools for Engaging All Learners in the Classroom 2. Using Collaborative Tools in the Classroom 3. Effective Communication Tools for Teachers 4. Classroom Organization Tools for Teachers Each of the above workshops includes the following resources to support the workshop. The below table provides an overview of the resources for each workshop and suggestions for how these can be used. Resource|Description|Tips for Use| Workshop Overview| §1-2 page summary of the workshop, including learning objectives and intended outcomes for teachers and students  §Detailed overview of the Microsoft products used in each workshop| §Familiarize yourself with the overall objectives of the workshop  §Use to provide an overview to teachers who will attend the workshop  §Use to promote the workshop| Narrated PowerPoint Presentations| §Expert audio-narrated PowerPoint presentations produced by the creators of the workshop curriculum  §Labeled as Mod 1, Mod 2†¦ each workshop has 4 narrated presentations  §For each module there is a presentation that provides:1. Workshop Overview2. Workshop Learning Objectives3. Workshop Preparation Guidance4. Tips Tricks for Delivering a Successful Workshop| §Intended to be used by those planning to deliver a workshop to help them prepare| Participant Manuals| §For each workshop there is a detailed manual to print and provide for each workshop participant  §The manuals provide step-by-step instructions for each project-based learning activity  §The manuals also include tips for how to apply projects across the curriculum| §Print and provide to each workshop attendee.  §Use to gain an in-depth understanding of  the detailed projects and technologies used in each workshop| Workshop Software Set-up spec| §Listing of the necessary hardware and software needed to run the workshop| §Understand the software necessary to complete the activities  §It is important that participants create a free Windows Live ID prior to attending a workshop, as this account will gain them access to a number of Web 2. 0 tools used in the workshop | Presenter PPT Intro| §Presentations for anyone to use (and customize) to support their delivery of the workshop| §Use as a baseline to guide the workshop  §Teacher leaders can customize and develop their own presentations using these as a jumpstart | Participant Sample Files| §Sample files used by the workshop participants to complete the in-workshop activities  §Files include ppts, video, audio, images, and sample data| §Files should be pre-installed on all workshop PCs| We hope that you find these materials useful to engage other teachers and enable them to use technology in successful and innovative ways in the classroom that makes sense in their curriculum and within the learning goals in their classrooms. For more information and resources for training teachers visit www. microsoft. com/teachers[-1] and follow us on Twitter @TeachTec[-2] or on TeachTec Facebook[-3] to stay current on the latest resources, lesson plans and how-to information for using technology in the classroom. Thank you, The Microsoft Education Team [-0] http://us. partnersinlearningnetwork. com/Communities/188ba58f3dd74938bdc0e94c9b196d59/Pages/default. aspx [-1] http://www. microsoft. com/teachers [-2] http://twitter. com/home [-3] http://www. facebook. com/pages/Microsoft-TeachTec/62084237239? ref=ts.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Basics of How Computers Work

The Basics of How Computers Work A Computer is an electronic device used for making simple and complex calculations, analyses, storing, sorting, processing and retrieving of data, plotting graphical designs and sketches as well as many other tasks that is always on the increase. Computers range from the very small to the very large. Some are capable of doing millions of calculations in a single second, while others may take long periods of time to do even the most simple calculations. But theoretically, anything one computer is capable of doing, another computer will also be able to do. Given the right instructions, and sufficient memory, a computer found in a wristwatch should be able to accomplish anything a supercomputer can although it might take thousands of years for the wristwatch to complete the operation. At one time, computers were extremely large, and required enormous amounts of power. This made them useful only for a small amount of tasks computing trajectories for astronomical or military applications, for example, or code breaking. Over time, with technological advances, the computer was scaled down and its energy requirements lowered immensely. This allowed the power of the computer to be harnessed for a staggering array of uses. As prevalent as personal computers are, they do not nearly begin to scratch the surface of computer use in our world. Interactive devices of all sorts contain their own computers. Cellular telephones, GPS units, portable organizers, ATM machines, gas pumps, and millions of other devices all make use of computers to streamline their operations, and to offer features which would be impossible without a computer. List the Four Parts of a Computer System Arithmetic and Logic Unit Central Processing Unit Assemblers Compilers Some however refer hardware components as the main parts of computer system, in that case, these are (a) Computer (CPU) (b) Monitor (VDU) (c) Keyboard (d) Mouse Identify four types of Computer Hardware CPU Monitor Keyboard Mouse 2. Name and describe three types of storage devices Hard Disk It is the Main Storage device in the Computer and holds the Operating System as well as other application software installed by the user. It also hold the user files. As such, it is an inevitable part of the computer system. Compact Disk (CD) It is a removable storage device on which data could be stored for use in the future or to transfer data from one computer to another. It is important for storing software, utilities and hardware drivers. Flash Memory It is a modern substitute to the old floppy disk and is of greater capacity than the floppy disk. List five units of message for computer memory and storage Computers use the following units of storage to store data in memory and storage devices:- Bit Byte Kilobyte Megabyte Gigabyte 3. Differentiate between Hardware and Software Hardware refers to the physically visible and tangible gadgets that make up the computer system. It is the parts that the human user touches and interacts with in order to achieve results. Software on the other hand refers to the set of commands stored in the computers memory and storage devises which propel the hardware to work. Software is the intellect that resides inside the computer system and is represented by the texts, icons and graphics we see on the computers display device (Screen VDU). (a) List four specific types of application software (i) Word processor E.g. Microsoft Word (ii) Spreadsheet e.g. Microsoft Excel (iii) Graphic Software e.g. CorelDraw (iv) Media Player e.g. Win-Amp 4. What is an input and output devices An input devise refers to the hardware components through which the human user of the computer feeds in data or commands into the computer for storage or processing while output devises are the hardware channels through which the computer gives back results to the user. For example, when you type text into MS Word, the keyboard is an input device. The user then uses MS Word to process the text entered through the keyboard and the result could be seen on the Monitor, which is an output device or could be printed out on paper through the printer. Here the monitor and printer are output devices. (a) Give examples of each device Input devices include mouse, Scanner, digital camera, finger print reader, OCR devices, microphone, and joystick. Output devices include Monitor, Speaker, Printer and plotters. 5. What is Internet? The internet is a phenomenal development in the computer world. It refers to a global connectivity of computers across the world that could share information interchangeably across the platform. Technically, the Internet is a system of Publicly accessible computer network connecting many smaller networks from around the world. It grew out of a U.S. Defense Department program called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), established in 1969 with connections between computers at the University of California at Los Angeles, Stanford Research Institute, the University of California-Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah. ARPANETs purpose was to conduct research into computer networking in order to provide a secure and survivable communications system in case of war. As the network quickly expanded, academics and researchers in other fields began to use it as well. In 1971 the first program for sending e-mail over a distributed network was developed; by 1973, the year international connections to ARPANET were made (from Britain and Norway), e-mail represented most of the traffic on ARPANET. The 1970s also saw the development of mailing lists, newsgroups and bulletin-board systems, and the TCP/IP communications protocols, which were adopted as standard protocols for ARPANET in 1982 83, leading to the widespread use of the term Internet. In 1984 the domain name addressing system was introduced. In 1986 the National Science Foundation established the NSFNET, a distributed network of networks capable of handling far greater traffic, and within a year more than 10,000 hosts were connected to the Internet. In 1988 real-time conversation over the network became possible with the development of Internet Relay Chat protocols (see chat). In 1990 ARPANET ceased to exist, leaving behind the NSFNET, and the first commercial dial-up access to the Internet became available. In 1991 the World Wide Web was released to the public (via FTP). The Mosaic browser was released in 1993, and its popularity led to the proliferation of World Wide Web sites and users. In 1995 the NSFNET reverted to the role of a research network, leaving Internet traffic to be routed through network providers rather than NSF supercomputers. That year the Web became the most popular part of the Internet, surpassing the FTP protocols in traffic volume. By 1997 there were more than 10 million hosts on the Internet and more than 1 million registered domain names. Internet access can now be gained via radio signals, cable-television lines, satellites, and fibre-optic connections, though most traffic still uses a part of the public telecommunications (telephone) network. The Internet is widely regarded as a development of vast significance that will affect nearly every aspect of human culture and commerce in ways still only dimly discernible. List five importance of Computer; Data Storage Sorting and analyses of data to get results Ease of information retrieval Accuracy Channel of Communication Write short note on importance of Information technology (IT) towards your field of study (Business Education) Computer can be of immense importance to business education because most of Information technology in real life situation is applied to business and commerce. Modern economic progress is largely attributable to availability and effective use of IT and as a student of Business, Information Technology is of immense significance. Students have to be conversant with both the theoretical and practical aspect of their studies. As a student of business education, being conversant with the practical aspect of my studies and this implies that Information technology should be an important aspect of what must be studied and closely related to. On a different perspective, Information technology is important in the actual dissemination of knowledge in the school system. Business education courses could be equally taught through the use of relevant software and network access to useful resources. This will serve the dual role of making the teaching-learning process efficient and effective on one hand and making students of business education learn a good aspect of real life business situations on the other hand.

George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 Essay -- essays research pa

Throughout the evolution of man, power and control have been idealized. When power is attained by manipulative dictators, citizens may initially view them as a means to satisfy their need for structure and direction. An author’s grim prophecy of mankind in a totalitarian society is depicted in George Orwell’s, 1984. Citizens in Oceania are governed by the Party Big Brother, which succeeds in controlling their actions and minds. The concept of oppression is taken to a new level, until there is no sense of humanity within the society. Natural instincts and emotions do not exist for the citizens in Oceania, as they are conditioned since birth to be working bodies, lacking mercy and compassion. â€Å"By careful early conditioning, by games and cold water, by the rubbish that was dinned into them at school and in the Spies and the Youth League, by lectures, parades, songs, slogans and martial music, the natural feeling had been driven out of them.† (Orwell, p.71) The main repetitive means of conditioning were the Party slogans which citizens must adhere to; War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength. War is linked with peace and security, rather than horror and grief. Freedom is viewed as being an individual, therefore more susceptible to torture. The individual is defeated and therefore enslaved to the government rather than being apart of the government. In result, there is no freedom of thought, expression, language, religion, etc. Ignorance is bliss since there is no need to criticize the gove rnment and therefore, fewer confrontations. The proles (proletariats) in the novel are allowed and appreciate primitive emotions. Sex, scent, expression, and the true sense of freedom embody this in the novel. It is ironic that they reserve a sense of humanity, yet are considered inhumane. Eighty five per cent of Oceania’s population is proles, and they are unaware of their potential power. â€Å"If there is hope, it lies in the proles. Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.† (Orwell, p.52) Although it could lead to a counter-revolution, they are content in the purity of their lives, and see no need for power since they have not yet been exposed to the oppression in Oceania. â€Å"The lower strata of the middle class – the small tradespeople, shopkeepers, and retired tradesmen generally, the ha... ...collective mind. Orwell uses this concept to relate to the oppression in society present during the time in which he wrote the novel. During the 1940’s, it was not only WWII, but also the time of the dictators Stalin and Hitler, who used brainwashing techniques to take advantage of their vulnerable societies. The Machiavellian Theorem becomes the sole tactic to survival in Oceania. In order to become a member of the Brotherhood, Winston agrees to commit all the carnage that Big Brother has raged on his people. (Orwell, p.180) With angst to be rid of his oppression, Winston has lost his sense of humanity. He now believes that his end justifies his means. Although he believes he resists internally to the Party, his mentality has inevitably been brainwashed by acts of sabotage, and all that O’Brien had to do to corrupt him was to direct his hate elsewhere. The Inner Party develops intricate ways of attacking a person at their personal weakest, and using their various instruments, can break down body, mind, and soul. Although this novel is merely Orwell’s political speculation, it opens the doors to the many possibilities and outcomes of uncontrolled power in vulnerable societies.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Fighting for Inner-peace :: Personal Narrative Essay Example

Fighting for Inner-peace    I am fighting for inner-peace. I know this is a paradox, and I'm rather proud because it is true. Passivity has been a lifelong threat, laziness a constant lure in my search for identity. This world begs me to succumb to existing in the image of someone else, it asks only that I slip silently and blindly into the niche it provides instead of carving my own. I required a long time to work up courage to fight for the serenity I had glimpsed in the woods in summer and in lovingly handled books read late until the early morning. Doubt had established itself in my mind at some early age, when or why I do not know, and I could trust any person or group more than myself. Doubt begat fear, and fear gave birth to obscuring myself from the eyes of the world while I was a child.    Now, I am dedicated to the fight, after over five years of fear and immobility. I rejected the easiest way out of life, and demanded truth. I strengthened my body as I strengthened my mind against the attacks I faced. When I was fifteen I started Tae Kwon Do, the martial arts class that was offered through my school. I learned more about blocking, kicking, and punching in the first two weeks of that class than I had known my entire life. My once powerless body, petite and thin, could knock the wind out of someone with a well placed punch, and I could kick people taller than me in the head. So what I could do, I did, and now my friends instinctively block when they see me grin mischievously in their direction. I am content to know I have taught them something useful.    Last spring for the third time in a row, I shakily accepted my teacher's hand as he congratulated me on second place in women's division sparring. It was a bittersweet triumph, three times now I have lost to the same girl. She has become an icon for everything I wish to triumph over in this world. She is beautiful, hair like black silk, impeccable taste in clothing,makeup like a Renaissance painting, and average when it comes to everything else. I watch her silently stride into art class on three inch heels, skirt above her knee, no runs in her stockings, and manicured nails smoothing invisible wrinkles from he shirt.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Importance of Geography in The Killer Angels Essay -- Killer Angel

The Importance of Geography in The Killer Angels      Ã‚   War is a complicated event.   Many different factors are considered in the strategic planning during a war.   The number of troops, ammunition supplies, and the lay of the land are just three of the considerations that must be given when fighting a battle.   Such considerations were made during the Civil War Battle of Gettysburg.   In The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara, Shaara uses geography throughout his recounting of the event.   His use of geography is seen in his descriptions of the people involved, his description of the climate, and his superb outlining of the natural landscape.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the novel, Shaara begins by describing the Armies.   On the side of the South is the Army of Northern Virginia, led by Robert E. Lee.   This army is composed of 70 thousand men who are volunteers and rebels.   They are within a certain culture.   The men of this army share   not only a common language and religion, but they also share the same customs.   Most of the men are Anglo-Saxon and Protestant.   Their language is English.   Most of all, this army is fighting for a mutual cause which is disunion.   Victorious is the feeling among these men.   Wholeheartedly, the men of the Army of Northern Virginia believe that they can defeat the Army of the Potomac.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Army of the Potomac differs greatly in composition than the South's army.   Although they have a common goal, to defeat the Southerners, the men who make up this army have little else in common.   They are led by Major General George Meade.   Most of these 80,000 men are volunteers.   Language barriers exist within this group.   Also, a shared religion does not exist.   Unlike the Army of Northe... ... Northern Virginia, they have to move into open spaces and climb hilly and rocky terrain.   Obviously, Shaara's use of geography is apparent in his outlining of the events at the Battle of Gettysburg.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In conclusion, Michael Shaara vividly recounts the Battle of Gettysburg.   Throughout his novel, The Killer Angels, Shaara's use of geography allows the reader to understand the people, feel the climate of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and relive the action as it unfolds.   Strategic plans are made by the Army of Northern Virginia, but in this battle the natural landscape is too cumbersome.   Victorious is the Army of the Potomac.   Thanks to its near perfect view. Works Cited Shaara, Michael.   The Killer Angels. New York: Ballantine, 1975.    Maps Maps of Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3   

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Culture of India and Western Culture

| | Mounting western culture degrading India on the whole. Have you ever seen the pictures of Jatindranath Mukerjee or Chandrasekhar Azad or Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose? Apart from being leading revolutionaries of the Indian freedom struggle, these three great personalities had something more in common. Almost in each picture you will find each of them clad in perfect Indian attire or dhoti-kurta. Do you find the same dress among Indians still? Unfortunately, it is becoming almost extinct more and more and the day is not far when its best position will be in the museum of any Indian metropolis. What inference can you draw from this lamentable specimen? Western influence is rising in the Indian society by leaps and bounds and its intensity is rising with the passing of each year almost. There is hardly any doubt that the entire course is moving contrary to the dreams of the founding fathers of independent India in August 15, 1947. They had thought that the country, winning independence after the freedom struggle of almost two centuries at a stretch, would regain its vigor and set up its basis, rooted in its own intrinsic culture, with conviction. What we are witnessing at the moment is not sad or unfortunate only but just the opposite also. Within the seven decades of national independence influences of Indian culture have started to drain almost. Even if there is any, it is under the greater protection of the western umbrella. Well, you don’t have to go anywhere else – a few glimpses of the Indian television scenario or cable television’s are going to be enough. Gone are the days when the Indian television industry used to speak in favor of national harmony, secular traditions and unity in diversity. These days, the messages of national unification have ceased to come to the fore and the programs have been replaced by reality shows dominated by women clad in skimpy dresses. These sorts of shows go against the age-old Indian traditions and in a word, affront Indian values only. But Indians are so wild that they have little time for the national stature. Is India developing then or on the wane? You have to make the decision. Culture† and â€Å"Tradition† are more significant in a country like India which has always een cherishing its rich culture and heritage and it’s quite well known for it worldwide. But these things are just on paper and are slowly losing their sheen. Why? India is known by her people. We, the younger generation are the representatives of India in a true sense of the word. Even in history, we come across various incidents where the youth took the lead to bring about a change and get India independence from the British rule. We, the Indian you th have always been the power and pride of India. We are the sole cherishers of India’s pride and its heritage which actually lies in its culture, its diversity, its uniqueness. In such a scenario, where the point of a rich cultured country like India is facing the problem of losing its culture, are we, the youth; the Indian youth not ACTUALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS? Are we not putting our own self image, our self respect, our mother India’s pride at stake by doing so? Just think about it my dear friends. There is no problem as such when we follow the western culture to some extent. The problem is we are forgetting our culture to a greater extent. Why should we do so? 21st century youth doesn’t mean forgetting the motherland and following or in short adopting western lifestyle in totality. Every culture has its own pros and cons. We individuals should be strong enough to take the good and throw off the bad. But what are we doing now? It’s a shame to see that â€Å"India’s pride†; â€Å"We Indian Youth† doesn’t have even a bit of importance for India’s pride and heritage, its culture; and we are easily influenced by western culture. Right from our clothing, till the music, the films, our attitude, our lifestyle, in short every aspect of our life has totally changed. â€Å"Change doesn’t happen on its own; it’s we who bring about the change. † But by this change, our mother India has lost its sheen and beauty; its place; its uniqueness in the world. AND WE, THE INDIAN YOUTH, PRIDE OF INDIA; ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT. Friends, it’s high time now and we got to think about this now or never. â€Å"STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE†!!!! Essays on negative impact on India because of western culture? The culture of India has been shaped not only by its long history, unique geography and diverse demography, but also by its ancient heritages. Regarded by some historians as the â€Å"oldest living civilization of Earth†, the Indian tradition dates back to 8,000 BC and has a continuous recorded history for over 2,500 years. But due to the increasing development†¦ Due to globalization†¦ the rich culture of India is disappearing. The most impact is of western culture on India culture. Western culture is based more on materialistic factors where as our culture has a spiritual base. The culture of India is been disappearing by many ways†¦ the youths in India do not respect their elders, the families in India live separate†¦ And thus have lost contacts with their other relatives†¦ The big point which is making the culture of India to disappear in bollywood†¦ the dressing style of the actresses, the slang word used in movies are been influenced the youth to bad step of life. The young ones try to act the same as these actors do which is very bad to the culture of India†¦ The lack of morals, the lacking faith in God, having late night parties, the influence of drugs and alcohols, least interest in Indian languages like Sanskrit, Hindi, Celebrating mothers day, fathers day, valentine day, fools day etc rather than celebrating our Indian festivals and thus wasting their precious time of life, Thinking to be independent at an early age Effect of western culture on Indians? The effects of the western culture on the Indians would be a high range of things. ne would be influential styles many of the youth started t change dhow they dressed because of the west culture. also their cooking, and language. many Indians were drove away from their native homeland. nowadays they all live on Indian preserves. Take a look around i doubt you will see Indians riding on a horse. You might say well I'm an American. Where did you ancestors come from? Probably from over s eas. Well actually the only true Americans would be the Indians being that they were born and raised on American soil. I could go on and on, but i think that's enough | Impact Of Western Culture CHEERS†, and the party starts. With booze, fags and skimpily dressed girls who move their bodies to be the cynosure and to attract males. Everyone is wearing branded clothes, imported watches, designer accessories and what not. These things have become the necessities of the Indian youth and even the older generations. A father-son duo sitting together and enjoying their drinks, women going to pubs and discos and getting involved in obscene acts and girls taking their boyfriends to their homes to have a jolly time with parents and otherwise too. What can one infer after reading the above lines? I guess, the first answer would be that India is changing over the course of time. India, as the name flickers, one thinks of religion, traditions, art and culture and it’s apt to think so because India is the country which is famous for its diversity in these aspects. The land where the great Raja Ram Mohan, Tagore, Gandhi transformed the thinking of people and removed the social stigmas like sati pratha the practice of widows being forced to sit on the pior of their husbands), untouchability and many more. India was known as â€Å"Sone Ki Chidiya† (The Golden Bird) but the shine has faded away gradually with the change in I, YOU and WE. Indian society has evolved into a mixed breed of Western and Indian culture. People are becoming too much casual in both their personal and professional lives, how a â€Å"Good Morning Madam† has now become â€Å"Hi Diksha†, how a â€Å"Namaste Daadu† has become â€Å"Hey Grandpa†, courtesy the western culture. The western culture has proved to be a setback for Indian culture, its rituals, its traditions and mannerism. The Indian morning which used to begin with bhajans and kirtans now begins with the rock of Metallica and the punk of Greenday. The age of losing virginity has gone down to teens — following the western culture, these days it has become a casual and usual trend to lose virginity as teenagers. The way in which Hollywood movies have created an†¦